Triple Action Neem Oil – 1 Pint
- Stops powdery mildew in 24-hours.
- Kills eggs, larvae, and adult insects.
- Prevents and controls black spot on roses, anthracnose, rust and powdery mildew.
- Shake well before using.
- Do not add adjuvants (spreaders, stickers, extenders, etc.) to Neem Oil.
- For best results, maintain constant agitation in spray equipment.
- Neem Oil is most effective when applied in early to mid-morning or
late afternoon when adult pests, such as whiteflies, are normally
sedentary on the undersides of the foliage. - Spray solutions should be used within several hours of preparation
for maximum effectiveness. Do not store diluted solution for later use. - Do not apply to wilted or otherwise stressed plants, or to newly transplanted materials prior to root establishment.
- Do not apply to known sensitive plant species, such as impatiens
flowers, fuchsia flowers, hibiscus flowers, some rose flowers,
ornamental olive trees, or some carnation varieties without prior
testing. - As with other oil-based products, care should be exercised in
timing applications to early morning/late evening to minimize the
potential for leaf burn. - Use with care on plants with tender tissue. Check for leaf burn in small scale trials prior to use.
- Thorough coverage is necessary to provide good disease and mite
control. Neem Oil prevents fungal attack of plant tissue and contact
activity to mite pressure on the plant. Avoid excessive runoff of spray
material for maximum control. Keep unprotected persons out of treated
area until sprays have dried.
As Fungicide – powdery mildew, black spot, downy mildew, anthracnose, rust, leaf spot, botrytis, needle rust, scab and flower, twig, tip blight, and alternia.
As Insecticide/Miticide – aphids, spider mites, scale, whiteflies, beetles, leafrollers, and other insect pests.
Rate of use: 2 tablespoons (1 oz.) per gallon of water.
Product Label