Transom 4.5F Fungicide – 2.5 Gallons
Transom 4.5F Fungicide
Transom 4.5 F provides broad spectrum disease control on containerized woody, flowering, herbaceous, and tropical foliage ornamental plants and trees, and turfgrasses. Add the required amount of Transom 4.5 F after shaking well to a partially filled tank agitated by mechanical or hydraulic means then add the remaining required amount of water. Maintain continuous agitation during application to keep the material in suspension. Make fresh daily. Make applications of Transom 4.5 F with ground equipment, using sufficient spray volume to provide thorough coverage. Do not tank mix Transom 4.5 F with copper containing materials or with highly alkaline pesticides such as Bordeaux mixture or lime sulfur. No claim of compatibility with other pesticides is implied. Under conditions of severe disease pressure or when application intervals are shorter than 14 days due to persistent rainfall, use the higher concentration or rates provided in this label.
Rate of use: Between 7.25 – 20 fl. oz. per 100 gallons depending on disease being controlled. See product label for full details.
Product Label