Tierra Verde Bermuda Grass Pasture Seed – 25 Lbs.
Tierra Verde Forage Bermuda Grass Seed
Tierra Verde bermuda blend features two of Pennington’s improved varieties of forage bermuda – Mohawk and Sahara II. This unique, versatile blend contains 50% hulled and 50% unhulled seed, thus allowing a wide planting window from spring to early fall. It is well suited for high traffic sites such as arenas, pasture lanes and other highly maintained areas.
- Rate: 15 lbs./acre
- Date: Late spring through early summer when soil temperatures at a 4″ depth are 65°F or above. Plow and cultipack to develop a firm seedbed. Proper firmness is indicated by a heel print no more than 1/8″ deep in the soil.
- Depth: 1/8″ depth maximum.