Tempo Ultra WP Insecticide – 420 Grams
Bayer Tempo Ultra WP
Quick broad-spectrum control of more than 100 nuisance pests!
- Immediate knockdown
- Long residual
- Reduced A.I. and low use rate
- Low toxicity
- Labeled for emerald ash borer
Tempo SC Ultra Insecticide is a fast acting insect control delivering the power of a powder formulation in a liquid. Easy to use, less messy to handle, needs less agitation and is more evenly dispersed during application.
Pests controlled: Annual bluegrass weevils (adult), ants, aphids, armyworms, bagworms, black turfgrass ataenius beetles, bluegrass billbugs, chinch bugs, cutworms, emerald ash borers, fungus gnats, grasshoppers, lace bugs, leaf-feeding beetles (adults and larvae), scale insects (crawlers), sod webworms, spiders, thrips, ticks
Rate of use: Between 10 – 20 grams per gallon of water.
Active Ingredients: B-Cyfluthrin,Cyano – 10%
Product Label