Tartan Stressgard Fungicide – 2.5 Gallons
Tartan Stressgard Fungicide
Tartan Stressgard is a fungicide for the enhancement of greener and more dense turfgrass and for the control of certain foliar, stem, and root diseases of turfgrass including golf courses, sod farms, and sports fields.
Controls: Dollar Spot, Brown Patch, Leaf Spot, Anthracnose, Summer Patch, Gray Leaf Spot, Red Thread, Rust, Southern Blight, and others.
Rate of use: 1 – 2 fl. oz. per 1000 sq. ft.
Active Ingredients:
Trifloxystrobin – 4.17%
Trifloxystrobin – 4.17%
Triadimefon – 20.86%
Product Label
Product Label