Systemic Fungicide RTS – 1 Qt.
Systemic Fungicide RTS
Generic Descriptor:
Product Features:
Contains 1.55% Propiconazole. Prevents and controls major diseases on roses, flowers, lawns, trees and shrubs. Ready-to-Spray .. just attach to hose and spray. Systemic mode of action .. can’t be washed off by rain after spray has dried. Prevents Black Spot, Dollar Spot, Rust, Brown Patch, Powdery Mildew, Leaf Spot and more. Treats a 1,333 sq. ft. lawn.
Key Insects:
Black Spot, Dollar Spot, Rust, Brown Patch, Powdery Mildew, Leaf Spot
Use Sites:
Outdoors on Roses, Flowers, Home Lawns, Trees and Shrubs
Active Ingredients: