Sugar Beet Seed – 1 Lb.
Excellent for Wildlife Deer Food Plots!
Deer love both the foilage and the roots. Excellent attractant for
whitetail deer.
Grows best in 55 degree soil temperature or warmer.
Grows well alone or with other food plot mixes.
Seed when ground temp reaches 55 degrees or higher. Sugarbeet seed
should not be planted greater than 1.5 in. deep.
The plant has a taproot system that utilizes water and soil nutrients to
depths of 5 to 8 ft. The life expectancy of sugarbeet leaves varies
from 45 to 65 days and is temperature dependent. Sugar beets are well adapted to a wide range of soil types. Sugar beets
are produced on coarse textured sandy soils to high organic matter, high
clay content, silty clay loam soils.
- Sugar beets do not grow well on highly acidic soils and grow best on soils with a pH of 6.0 to 8.0.
- Seeding Rate: Broadcast -> 8-10 lbs/acre. Drilled -> 3-4 lbs/acre.
- Seeding Depth: 1/4″-1/2″ deep in well prepared seedbed.
- Seed Count: 10,000 seeds per pound.