Rackmaster Supreme Fall Food Plot Seed (NOW: Mississippi Complete)
Rackmaster Supreme Food Plot Seed
RACKMASTER Supreme Fall is a custom blend of highly succulent and nutritious winter annual grains, brassica, winter peas and annual clovers designed to attract and provide the nutrition needed by the entire deer herd for maximum growth and optimum health. Oats and wheat germinate and quickly grow to lure deer from the surrounding area to the food plot. Winter peas provide protein rich and highly palatable forage that deer can’t resist. As winter sets in, carbohydrates contained in the leaves of the Trophy Radish and rape are converted to sugars providing deer with a highly palatable source of energy during the colder months following the rut. After the leaves are consumed, deer continue to ingest valuable nutrients by browsing on the large roots formed by the Trophy Radishes. The crimson clover comes on in late winter | early spring followed by a large flush of arrowleaf clover growth in late spring into early summer to provide a high-quality food source for growing bucks, gestating does and does nursing fawns.