Prograss 1.5 EC Herbicide – 2.5 Gallons
Prograss 1.5 EC Herbicide
Prograss EC provides both pre- and post-emergent control of Poa annua in cool-season turf grasses and overseeded bermudagrass. This means Poa can be controlled through its cool-season germination and growth periods. A customized Prograss program can help control Poa in every season.
Year-round selective control of Poa annua
- Controls Poa annua during germination and growth periods every season
- Also controls a wide variety of annual grasses and broadleaf weeds
- Can be applied to bentgrass, tall fescue, St. Augustinegrass, Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass
- Recommended for bermudagrass control in St. Augustinegrass
- Effective in humid and arid climates
- Approved for many uses, including golf course fairways, sod farms, cemeteries, and commercial and residential lawns
Active Ingredients: ethofumesate – 19% Product Label