Princep Herbicide – 2.5 Gallons
Princep Herbicide by Syngenta
Princep Herbicde is a liquid pre-emergent and post-emergent herbicide that controls more than 40 broadleaf and annual grass weeds in fruits, nuts and corn (see label for specific crops). It’s long-lasting weed and grass protection is heightened by its excellent crop safety benefits and unbeatable tank mix flexibility. Princep herbicde has many of the same benefits of atrazine but can be used in areas where atrazine is not allowed or desired. Some controlled weeds include: annual ryegrass, crabgrass, foxtails, goosegrass, groundsel, and ragweed.
Rate of use: Dependent upon application
use. See product label for full details.Active Ingredients: Simazine 41.9%
Product Label