Phyton 35 Bactericide Fungicide – 1 Gallon
Phyton 35 Bactericide/Fungicide
Phyton 35 is a broad-spectrum systemic bactericide + fungicide labeled for use on fruits, vegetables, and herbs as well as ornamentals and other greenhouse and nursery crops. Its patented chemistry speeds absorption into plants, enabling its active ingredient to move throughout the plant and be retained in the bio-system for up to 21 days. Phyton 35 is a solution (not a suspension) that leaves no visible residue and won’t clog spray nozzles. Formulated for use from propagation up to the time of harvest, it is effective against your most stubborn disease challenges like Botrytis, bacterial leaf spot, powdery mildew, pythium, and more.
- Systemic: readily absorbed and can move throughout the plant
- Preventive & curative for root and foliar diseases
- Controls fungal and bacterial diseases
- “Warning” Label
- Excellent Resistance Management / Rotation Partner
- Very broad spectrum
- Low risk of phytotoxicity (when used as directed)
- Use throughout the entire crop cycle, from propagation through shipment and harvest, including open blooms
Rate of use: 10-50 fl. oz./100 gallons
Active ingredient: 21.27% Copper Sulphate Pentahydrate
Product Label