Pageant Intrinsic Brand Fungicide – 1 Lb.
Pageant Intrinsic Brand Fungicide
Water Dispersible Granule
Water Dispersible Granule
Pageant Intrinsic brand fungicide is a broad-spectrum fungicide combining two fast-acting active ingredients, boscalid and pyraclostrobin, into one product that offers more control on more diseases than any other currently registered fungicide. In addition to disease control, Pageant Intrinsic provides improved plant health in the form of stress management. This helps the plant to endure cold, heat, drought and shipping stresses as well as the recovery from these stresses. When used as directed, Pageant Intrinsic brand fungicide:
- Provides effective control of a broad spectrum of key diseases, including anthracnose, downy and powdery mildews, and botrytis
- Offers growers a useful resistance management tool
- Delivers excellent plant safety
- Can be tank-mixed with most recommended fungicides, insecticides, herbicides, liquid fertilizers, biological control products, adjuvants and additives
For disease control and plant health in ornamentals, commercial production of greenhouse grown tomatoes, and tomato transplants for the home consumer market.
Rate of use: 4-18 oz./100 gallons for foliar applications, depending on disease being targeted. See label for full details.
Active ingredients:
25.2% Boscalid
12.8% Pyraclostrobin
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