Ortho Nutsedge Killer for Lawns Ready-To-Spray – 32 oz.
Ortho Nutsedge Killer for Lawns Ready-To-Spray
Overview & Benefits
- Kills Weeds, Not Lawns
- For Northern and Southern turf grasses
- Kills yellow and purple nutsedge
Active Ingredient: 1.40% Sulfentrazone
How to Use
Connect sprayer to hose
Turn on water
Push tab on applicator to ON position
Spray evenly over lawn
When to Apply
For best results, apply to weeds when less than 3 inches high
How often to apply
Apply when sedges are actively growing as needed throughout the season
Hard to kill weeds may require a repeat application if regrowth occurs
Where Not to Use
Do not spray over-the-top of flowers, ornamentals (including herbaceous) or garden vegetables other than those listed on the label under “Control of Weeds in Ornamentals”
Do not use in turfgrasses other than those listed on the label
Coverage Area
Treats up to 5,000 sq. ft.
What it Controls
Weeds: Purple Nutsedge, Yellow Nutsedge, Kyllinga, Plantain, Clover, and other listed weeds