Mihi Persian Clover Seeds
Mihi Persian Clover
An annual forage legume that can be fall seeded for winter and spring growth, Mihi Persian Clover can be sown as a specialty crop for forage or sown with oats and annual ryegrasses to provide increased winter production. Either an oat/clover or ryegrass/clover mixture will reduce the risk of bloat.
Additional bloat control measures are necessary when cattle are grazing pastures of Persian Clover, but it has not been observed to cause bloat in sheep. Persian Clover is non-oestrogenic and will not cause infertility or reproductive disorders in ewes.
Persian Clover has become increasingly popular as a high quality and high yielding hay crop when grown in a mixture with other annual grasses as a rotation crop. These forage crops act as a disease break, will increase soil nitrogen, and offer the opportunity to use more effective grass control herbicides.
Persian Clover is a very palatable and nutritious species that can be grazed, cut for silage/hay, used for green manure, or a combination. It recovers well from grazing provided it is allowed to attain complete ground cover before being regrazed. Two spring hay cuts are possible.
Persian clover is adapted to a range of soils from clay loams to heavy clay soils and is tolerant of both poor drainage and low pH levels. Mihi Persian Clover is an excellent pollinator habitat.