M-Pede Insecticidal Soap – 2.5 Gallons
M-Pede Insecticide/Miticide/Fungicide
M-Pede is a natural and safe insecticide, miticide, and fungicide that provides excellent contact control of various soft bodied insects, mites, and powdery mildew throughout their life cycles. NOP compliant and OMRI certified.
Features & Benefits:
- Insecticidal soap and bio-fungicide providing broad-spectrum protection against soft bodied insects, mites, and powdery mildew
- Approved for field and greenhouse applications for both organic and conventional agriculture systems
- Exempt from tolerances
- Worker Safety Friendly
- Excellent resistance management tool due to contact mode of action
- 12-hour REI / 0-day PHI
Rate of use: 0.315-5.0 fl. oz./gallon total mix volume
Active ingredient: 49% Potassium salts of fatty acids
Product Label