Liquid Ornamental & Vegetable Fungicide (Contains Daconil) – 1 Pint
Liquid Ornamental & Vegetable Fungicide with Daconil
- Same active ingredient as Bravo used in agriculture
- Easy to mix formulation with a spreader sticker included
- Broad Spectrum Disease Control
CONTAINS: 12.5% Chlorothanlonil
USE ON: Ornamentals, bulbs, foliage plants, conifers, many types of vegetables, and certain tree and orchard crops.
CONTROLS: Ornamentals; Leaf spot, foliar blight, powdery mildew, rust, and scab. Vegetables; Rust, botrytis, anthracnose, downy mildew, alternaria, blights and blotches.
RATE: Most ornamentals; 2 1/2 tbs per gal. Most vegetables; 2 – 4 tbs. per gal.
APPLICATION: Mix with water and spray.
Product Label