Jesup MaxQ Tall Fescue Grass Seed – 50 Lbs.
MaxQ Jesup Pasture Tall Fescue Grass Seed
MaxQ features advanced technology that combines a non-toxic endophyte with a proven variety of tall fescue. MaxQ offers the plant persistence of toxic fescue varieties like KY 31 but with no detrimental effects on animal performance and health. It is adaptable throughout the traditional fescue belt of the U.S.
Type: Cool season perennial grass.
Uses: MaxQ enhanced tall fescue provides excellent permanent pasture for all classes of grazing livestock including cattle, sheep, and horses. With adequate soil moisture, it provides high quality, abundant forage throughout the fall months into spring and early summer. The highest productivity is September-December and March-June. When cut in the early boot stage of maturity, MaxQ produces excellent quality hay. Excellent for fall stockpiling and managed grazing during the winter months.
Nutrition: With proper fertility and good management, tall fescue can produce crude protein levels of 15-16% or more with a total digestible nutrient content of 60% or higher; However, environmental conditions and management practices will determine individual results.
Planting: For best results and benefits, all toxic tall fescue should be killed before establishing MaxQ. A firm seedbed is important for good stand establishment. Seed can be drilled into a prepared firm seedbed, no-tilled into sod with a no-till drill or surface broadcast on a prepared seed bed and packed in with a culti-packer. Place seed at a depth of 1/4 to 1/2 inch. Planting too deep can result in poor stand emergence.
Rate: 20 lbs/acre in prepared seedbed or 25 lbs/acre sod-seeded in stubble.
Dates: Southern and Southeastern states: Sept. 1 to Nov. 1; Midwest and Northeastern states: Aug. 15 to Oct. 1 or spring planted in March and April.
Management: Do not graze or cut seedling stand until it reaches 6″-8″ tall. Use only light rotational grazing in the first year and do not graze or cut closer than 2″.