Interface Stressgard Fungicide – 2.5 Gallons
Interface Stressgard Fungicide
Interface Stressgard delivers unsurpassed disease control, improved turf quality and the flexibility to use it anytime, anywhere. University trials have shown that Interface delivers during tough times, in spring, summer and fall. Its non-DMI chemistry makes it effective on key diseases while addressing resistance issues and turf-thinning concerns from DMIs.
- Multiple active ingredients and modes of action for disease control
- Unique patented formulation fights disease at the highest level
- Improves the plant’s natural abilities to fend off diseases and plant stress
- Ideal on fairways and greens
- Priced to make treating larger areas more affordable
- Effective on a variety of turfgrasses
- Safe to use throughout the year
Pests controlled:
Brown patch, Curvularia, dollar spot, fusarium blight, fusarium patch, gray snow mold, large patch, leaf spot, necrotic ring spot, pink patch, pink snow mold, rapid blight, red thread, rust
Rate of use: 3-7 fl. oz./1000 sq. ft. at 14-21 day intervals
Active ingredients:
23.10% Iprodione
1.44% Trifloxystrobin
1.44% Trifloxystrobin
Product Label