Hybrid Pearl Millet Seed (Tifleaf 3) – 50 lbs.
Tifleaf 3 Pearl Millet Tifleaf 3 is a high quality leafy pearl millet hybrid developed by USDA-ARS at Tifton, GA. The production and |
Major advantages of pearl millet as a summer annual forage:
1. High forage quality.
2. No prussic acid production.
3. High drought tolerance.
Tifleaf 3 can be planted when soil temperates are above 70
degrees. Per acre seeding rates of 10 lbs. in 36-inch rows, 15 lbs. In 24-inch rows, or 25
lbs in 7-inch grain drill rows should give good yields. Forage yields are usually reduced
with later plantings in the summer (as with all summer annual grasses). Tifleaf 3 can be
grazed when it is 15 to 18 inches tall. Use a stocking rate to maintain a 9 to12 inch
stubble. It can be cut for hay when it is 2 to 3 feet tall.