Grass Out Max (Clethodim Herbicide) – 1 Pint
Clethodim Herbicide (26.4% Clethodim)
Annual and perennial grass weed control
Clethodim is a postemergent herbicide for control of a broad spectrum of actively growing annual and perennial grass weeds. It provides excellent control of volunteer cereals in broadleaf crops and volunteer corn in Roundup Ready soybeans when tank mixed with Roundup or Cornerstone herbicides. Clethodim herbicide mixes well with many popular broadleaf herbicides and is rainfast in one hour.
Labeled crops
Clethodim herbicide is labeled for use in soybeans, alfalfa, canola, cotton, dry bean, fallow land, flax, mint, non-crop, peanut, potato, sugar beet, sunflower and many other crops.