Gallery 75 DF Herbicide – 1 Lb.
Gallery 75 DF Herbicide
Dry Flowable Formulation
Dry Flowable Formulation
Gallery specialty herbicide prevents the growth of 97 species of broadleaf weeds, including chickweed, clover, bittercress, oxalis and spurge, for up to eight months of control. It is labeled on 714 field-grown and 562 container-grown ornamentals as well as ground covers, non-bearing fruit and nut crops, non-bearing vineyards and non-cropland areas and cool- and warm-season turfgrasses.
Gallery must be activated by at least 1/2 inch of rainfall or sprinkler water to set up a solid control area around weed seedlings. As the weed seeds germinate, Gallery disrupts and halts root and stem development of the weeds, so seedlings gradually die before they ever break the soil surface.
Application rate: 0.66-1.33 lbs./acre (.25-.5 oz./1000 sq. ft.). Gallery should be applied prior to emergence of target weeds. A fall application of Gallery will prevent winter-, fall- and many of the spring-germinating weeds. In fact, in Northern states, one application may provide year round control of broadleaf weeds. Southern climates may need a second application.
Active ingredient: 75% Isoxaben
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