Dove Proso Millet Seed – 1 Lb.
Type: warm season annual grass |
Uses: These plants can reach 4 to 6 feet tall producing an open seed head similar to oats. A unique characteristic is the seed will not mature uniformly. They will start to ripen from the top of the head down, dislodging and dropping to the ground as they mature. The seeds are very shiny, slick and resist mold and mildew making them an excellent plant for doves, quail and ducks. The seed will mature in about 75 to 100 days after emergence.
Planting Date: April – July
Rate: 40 lbs./acre or 1 lb./1000 sq.ft.
Depth: 1/2″ maximum
Best for: Turkey, Duck, Dove, Pheasant and Quail