Double Eagle Centipede “Coated”Grass Seed – 1/4 Lb.
Double Eagle Centipede Coated Grass Seed 1/4 Lb.
Double Eagle Coated with Advanta Technology – Help seeds retain water for better germination.
Seeding Rate: Plant 1/4 to 1 lb. per 1000 sq. ft.
- It is well adapted to the climate and soils of Central and Northern Florida and is the most common home lawn grass in the Florida Panhandle.
- Centipedegrass is a slow-growing grass with low fertility requirements when compared to other Florida lawn grasses.
- Centipedegrass grows close to the ground, is medium textured, and is naturally lighter in color than other lawn grasses.
- Overfertilizing with nitrogen to obtain an unnaturally dark green color reduces its cold tolerance, increases long-term maintenance problems, and is believed to contribute to centipedegrass decline, a disease complex that produces patches of dead turf in the spring.
- Centipedegrass does very well in acidic (pH 4.5 to 6.5) and infertile soils.
- It has fair shade tolerance and survives drought conditions by going dormant.