Dimension Ultra 40WP Herbicide – 8 x 5 Oz. Bags
Dimension Ultra 40WP Specialty Herbicide
Water Soluble Pouches
Water Soluble Pouches
Dimension specialty herbicide is the leading turf and ornamental herbicide providing pre- and early postemergent control of crabgrass as well as other important grassy and broadleaf weeds. It can be applied before weeds emerge and early post-emergence, up to the five leaf stage for crabgrass.
- Effective control of crabgrass and more than 45 other grassy and broadleaf weeds
- Reduces hand-weeding and lowers labor costs in landscape and nursery settings
- Excellent pre-emergence and early post-emergence crabgrass control
Labeled for use on:
- Established cool- and warm-season turfgrass
- More than 440 ornamental plants
- Over-the-top application on 142 field-grown ornamentals and 125 container-grown ornamentals
Rate of application: 1.5-4 water soluble packets per acre, depending on region. See label for full details.
See label for restrictions specific to New York State.
Active ingredient: 40% Dithiopyr
Product Label