Cycocel Plant Growth Regulator – 1 Gallon
Cycocel Plant Growth Regulator
Rate of use: 0.217-3.25 fl. oz./gallon; see label for details
Cycocel is among the most reliable and widely used plant growth regulators on the market today. Cycocel may be used on any crop in the greenhouse or nursery, including but not limited to poinsettias, hibiscus, azaleas, and geraniums to reduce stem elongation, induce early flowering, improve flowering, and to produce compact plants with multiple buds per shoot.
- Forgiving PGR; easy to use by experienced and new growers on all labeled crops
- Enhances crops aesthetic appeal and improves durability during shipping
- Contains wetting agent
- Synergistic with B-Nine
- Labeled for use on a wide range of crops
Active ingredient: 11.8% Chlormequat
Product Label
Product Label