Conserve SC Insecticide (Spinosad) – 1 Quart
Conserve SC Turf & Ornamental Insect Control
Use rate: for home gardens, use 8 fl. oz. per 100 gallons of spray. See label for more information.
Use rate: for home gardens, use 8 fl. oz. per 100 gallons of spray. See label for more information.
Conserve SC specialty insecticide is an excellent choice for nursery and greenhouse operators, as well as arborists, lawn care operators and golf course superintendents. Spinosad, the active ingredient in Conserve, is derived from the fermentation of a naturally occurring organism, uniquely combining the efficacy of synthetic insecticides with the benefits of biological insect pest control products.
- Offers quick kill insect pests exhibit symptoms in minutes resulting in rapid cessation of plant/turf damage. Control is evident within one to three days.
- Provides excellent efficacy on target pests such as thrips, leafminers and Eastern tent caterpillars
- Offers a unique mode of action which makes it compatible with resistance management programs and therefore IPM compatible
- Has activity on pests by ingestion and contact exposure
- Is highly active at very low use rates
- Has low odor
- Not phytotoxic to labeled ornamentals or turfgrasses
- Has a four-hour WPS re-entry interval
Product Label