Chipco 26019 Flo Fungicide – 2.5 Gallons
Chipco 26019 Flo Fungicide
Chipco 26019 Flo is a foliar-applied fungicide recommended for turfgrass disease control on golf courses, sod farms and institutional areas where fine turf is grown. This product is also effective as a broad-spectrum foliar spray, drench or dip for the control of diseases on a wide range of ornamental flowering and foliage plants.
- Trusted, economical disease control
- All-around, versatile fungicide
- Preventive and curative action
- Easy to tank-mix with other products
Pests controlled
Turf diseases:
- Anthracnose (suppression), brown patch, corticum red thread, dollar spot, Fusarium blight, gray snow mold, large patch, leaf spot, pink snow mold
Ornamental diseases:
- Aerial web blight, Alternaria leaf blight, Alternaria leaf spot, blossom blight, Botrytis blight, daffodil leaf scorch, Fusarium leaf spot, Helminthosporium leaf spot, ink spot, ray blight, Rhizoctonia stem and root rot, tulip fire
Rate of application: For turf apppliation, use 3-8 fl. oz. per 1000 sq. ft., at 14-28 day intervals, depending on disease treated. For treatment of ornamentals, use 1-2.5 quarts per 100 gallons, and spray plants to ensure thorough coverage every 7-14 days. See label for more information.
Active ingredient: 23.3% Iprodione
Product Label
Not for use at residential sites.
Product Label