Chaparral Specialty Herbicide – 5 Lbs.
The broadest-spectrum weed and brush herbicide available for range and pastureland. It offers residual broadleaf weed control and brush control without tank mixing. Using Chaparral results in increased desirable grass production.
Chaparral herbicide controls some of the most troublesome broadleaf weed and brush species, and it does so with many other features that make it the right choice for your operation.
- Provides control of many broadleaf weeds that other herbicides miss, including pigweed, hoarycress (whitetop), buckbrush, absinth wormwood (wormwood sage), biennial thistles (including bolted musk thistle), Missouri goldenrod, wild carrot, giant hogweed and many others
- The best and most-consistent option for clearing buckbrush
- Increased desirable grass production
- Provides the best pigweed residual and blackberry control
- Delivers superior control of Pensacola bahiagrass in established bermudagrass pastures
- Improves animal health and performance when used to suppress Kentucky 31 tall fescue seedheads
- Soil residual activity controls new weeds that can emerge in multiple flushes throughout the grazing season
- Effective at suppressing fescue seed heads to help mitigate issues arising from fescue toxicosis
- Does not contain 2,4-D
- Low use rate – 1.5 to 3.3 ounces per acre
Active Ingredients: