Briskway Fungicide – 1 Gallon
Briskway Fungicide
For Golf Courses
For Golf Courses
Briskway fungicide contains a cooling DMI (Demethylation Inhibitors) active ingredient–difenoconazole–paired with azoxystrobin, the proven strobilurin active ingredient found in Heritage fungicide. The dual modes of action from the two actives work together at a calculated rate that performs in high temperatures and controls over 20 summer turf diseases, including dollar spot. Applications can be made at low use rates, in any region, under conditions susceptible to hot and humid climates, without any heat restrictions or negative PGR effects.
- DMI containing fungicide that can be used in even the hottest months
- Creeping bentgrass, Poa annua, and bermudagrass are protected at any height of cut
- Controls over 20 diseases, including dollar spot and anthracnose
- No growth regulation effects, thinning or phytotoxicity
- Excellent rainfastness from rapid uptake into leaf tissue
- Several plant health benefits, including enhanced root development and CO2 assimilation
Rate of use: 0.3-0.725 fl. oz. per 1000 sq. ft. (13.1-31.6 fl. oz. per acre), applied at intervals of 14-28 days, depending on target diseases. See label for full instructions.
Active ingredients:
18.2% Azoxystrobin
11.4% Difenoconazole
For use in golf course turfgrasses only.
Additional Product Information Product Label