Bayleton 50 Fungicide – 4 x 5.5 Oz. Packets
Bayleton 50 WSP Turf and Ornamental Fungicide
Bayleton 50 is a systemic (acropetal penetrant) fungicide that is absorbed by roots. Its broad spectrum activity and residual control make it easy to fight most turf diseases.
- Unsurpassed dollar spot control
- 14- to 28-day residual
- Ideal for golf courses and many ornamental diseases
- Convenient premeasured water-soluble packets
Pests controlled:
Anthracnose, Bermudagrass decline, brown patch/rhizoctonia blight, copper spot, dollar spot, fusarium blight, gray snow mold/Typhula blight, pink snow mold/Fusarium patch, powdery mildew, red thread, rusts, Southern blight, stripe smut, summer patch, take-all patch, zoysia patch/large brown patch
Rate of use: 0.25-2 oz. per 1000 sq. ft., depending on disease to be treated and whether preventive or curative. See label for details.
Active ingredient: 50% Triadimefon
Product Label
Product Label