Ball Clover Seed – Great for Honey Bees – 10 Lbs.
Ball Clover
Ball Clover is a cool season clover that is sometimes mistaken for white clover, but the blooms are smaller and more rounded. Although Ball Clover can be quite productive, it has a shorter growing season and often yields less than other commonly grown annual clovers. Ball Clover is a prolific seed producer even under high stocking rates, and a high percentage of the seed are hard seed; thus Ball Clover is an excellent reseeding clover.
The primary period of growth is early to mid-spring. It is best suited to heavy soils, but is surprisingly well adapted to fairly dry sites as well. Short, 1-2′ tall, erect growth and low growing.
Planting Rate: 3 to 4 lbs. per acre. Planting Depth: 1/10″-1/4″. (Inoculate seed with rhizobium bacteria type “B:, clover group.)