Azoxy 2SC Select Fungicide – 1 pint
AZOXY 2SC SELECT is recommended for control of anthracnose, brown patch, cool weather brown patch (yellow patch), Fusarium patch, gray leaf spot, gray snow mold (Typhula blight), leafspot, melting out, necrotic ring spot, pink patch, pink snow mold, Pythium blight, Pythium root rot, red thread, Rhizoctonia large patch, southern blight, spring dead spot, summer patch, take-all patch, and Zoysia patch on golf courses, lawns and landscape areas around residential, institutional, public, commercial and industrial buildings, parks, recreational areas and athletic fields.
Integrated Pest (Disease) Management: Sound turf management resulting in healthy, vigorous turf is the foundation of a good IPM program. Cultural practices such as proper choice of turf variety, nutrient management, proper cutting height, thatch management, and proper watering, drainage, and moisture stress management should be integrated with the use of fungicides to increase turf vigor and reduce the susceptibility to disease, Immunoassay detection kits and extension service diagnostic services can assist in the early and accurate identification of causal organisms and corresponding selection of the proper fungicide when required.
Resistance Management: Some turf disease pathogens are known to have developed resistance to products used repeatedly for their control. AZOXY 2SC SELECT should be applied in a tank mix or alternation program with other registered fungicides that have a different mode of action and to which pathogen resistance has not developed. Do not apply more than two sequential AZOXY 2SC SELECT applications for Pythium spp. control. For all other diseases when Pythium spp. is not present, do not apply more than three sequential applications of AZOXY 2SC SELECT.
Application Directions: AZOXY 2SC SELECT should be applied prior to disease development. Mix AZOXY 2SC SELECT with the required amount of water and apply as a dilute spray application in 2-4 gallons of water per 1,000 square feet (87-174 gallons per acre). Repeat applications at specified intervals for as long as required. For spot treatments, use 0.4 fl. oz. AZOXY 2SC SELECT per 1 to 2 gallons of water. Do not apply more than 9.6 quarts product/acre/year (7.1 fl. oz. product/1,000 square feet/year). Apply by ground only.
Rate Ranges: Use the shortest specified application interval and/or use the higher specified rate when prolonged favorable disease conditions exist.
Dollar Spot: AZOXY 2SC SELECT does not control dollar spot. AZOXY 2SC SELECT is compatible in tank mixes with many other fungicides that control dollar spot. Always tank mix AZOXY 2SC SELECT with another fungicide that controls dollar spot when this disease is present.