Azatin O Insecticide – 1 Quart
Azatin O Biological Insecticide
Azatin O is a newly-formulated biological insect growth regulator (IGR) used to control the larval stage of a broad-spectrum of greenhouse and nursery pests. It is OMRI listed (Organic Materials Resource Institute), is soft on beneficials, and carries a 4-hour REI. Azatin O may be used for insect control on all crops such as ornamentals, vegetables, herbs, and berries, grown in the greenhouse, nursery, interiorscape, and in hydroponic growing situations.
Azatin O may be used for control of insects on turfgrass. Insects do not survive the molting process to become reproductive adults. Death results in 3-10 days after application but insects will stop feeding long before they die. Azatin O is often tank-mixed with Decathlon for control of larval and adult insect stages.
Rate of use: for spray application, use 4-16 fl. oz. in a minimum of 3 gallons of water per acre.
Azatin O contains 4.5% active ingredient azadirachtin (175 grams per gallon).