Atrimmec Plant Growth Regulator – 1 Gallon
Atrimmec Plant Growth Regulator
is a systemic plant growth regulator (PGR) that works by blocking the plant hormones that stimulate growth. Atrimmec applied as a foliar spray interrupts apical shoot elongation, so one application with one trimming can last the entire season. Spraying shrubs, hedges, trees, and groundcovers reduces trimming and pruning labor by 50% or more, and improves the appearance of landscape ornamentals by promoting lateral branching. This gives plants a denser, fuller look. Hedges and shrubs that show irregular shapes, including damage from pests and weather, can fill in lushly, even on the old wood.
Atrimmec is labeled for bark banding and soil drench applications to reduce nuisance fruit and flower formation. Bark banding application is a quick, efficient and effective procedure accomplished by spraying the trunk of the targeted tree from a height of 4.5′ to 5′ to the soil surface. A single application of Atrimmec two to four weeks prior to early bud formation (pinhead size or smaller buds) can prevent undesired fruit for the season on certain landscape trees.
- Spray-apply to retard growth of hedges, shrubs, trees, and groundcovers
- Reduces trimming, pruning and cleanup maintenance by 50% or more
- In many areas, one trimming and treatment controls growth all season long
- Keeps plants looking trimmed longer
- Promotes branching; forms a fuller, more compact, uniform shape
- Groundcovers establish sooner, producing denser cover without encroaching on driveways, walks, and walls
- Reduces nuisance fruits on landscape plants with bark banding and drench applications
Use: 1-5 fluid ounces per gallon, depending on species treated
Product Label