Aquathol K Aquatic Herbicide – 2.5 Gallons
Aquathol K is one of the most versatile and effective aquatic herbicides ever developed. It’s an excellent Aquatic Habitat Management tool that can provide season long control of a broad spectrum of submerged weeds often found in small lakes and ponds. Aquathol K is not toxic to fish or other aquatic organisms and has a relatively short half-life in the water. Aquathol K provides control of aquatic weeds in a relatively short time, generally 3-4 weeks, and can provide long-term control depending on the application timing and the target species. There are no restrictions on treated water for swimming, fishing or irrigation (read and follow label directions). Controls Pondweed, Hydrilla, Coontail, and more.
Rate of use: 0.45-3.2 Gallons/Acre ft., depending on pest species
Active ingredient: Dipotassium salt of endothall, 40.3%
Rate of use: 0.45-3.2 Gallons/Acre ft., depending on pest species
Active ingredient: Dipotassium salt of endothall, 40.3%