Ameristand 403T Alfalfa Seed – 10 Lbs.
Ameristand 403T Alfalfa Seed
- High resistance to Phoma crown rot, the “Traffic Disease”
- Unique plant type with large, deep-seated crown, finer stems, greater leaf mass and more crown bud activity
- Patented tolerance to liquid manure applications,averaging 14 percent yield advantage and 18 percent stand advantage over conventional varieties
- Delivers excellent fiber digestibility values in RFQ tests
- Fall Dormancy rating of 4
- Very Winter Hardy, WH Rating of 2.1
Ameristand 403T is Traffic Tested. Traffic Tested plants have 30 percent larger roots that store up to 70 percent more energy, promoting higher yields over the life of the stand. Traffic Tested varieties are bred and selected for improved plant types with:
- Large deep-seated crowns
- Fine stems
- Abundant leaf mass
- Large roots to store energy
- Heavy plant weight