Advion WDG Granular Insecticide Concentrate – One 0.33 Oz. packet
Arilon insecticide from Syngenta Professional Pest Management is the only sprayable oxadiazine product available, meaning it is a non-neonicotinoid, non-pyrethoid product that can be applied multiple ways in multiple settings to control more than 20 pests including ants, beetles, cockroaches, fleas and more.* Arilon is formulated as a dry concentrate, which can be mixed with water and applied as a low-odor, non-clogging and non-staining spray. This makes Arilon convenient to store, carry, prepare, use and clean up after.
- Differentiates between target and non-target insects with a unique mode of action
- Non-pyrethroid, non-neonicotinoid formulation allows for use indoors as a spot or crack-and-crevice application, or outdoors as a perimeter application up to a 10-foot band
- Provides excellent control at high-volume rates, offering comprehensive coverage while allowing Pest Management Professionals (PMPs) to save money on product costs
- Ideal for use in sensitive areas such as food-handling establishments (see product label)
Active ingredient: Indoxacarb 20%
A 0.33 Oz. packet produces one gallon of finished solution.
*The new Arilon label is not approved for use in the state of California.