Adept 25W Insect Growth Regulator – 16 x 1 Oz. Packets
Adept Insect Growth Regulator (IGR)
is an effective tool for controlling fungus gnats, shore flies, and foliar feeding pests found in ornamental crops grown in greenhouses, shade houses, and interiorscapes.
is an effective tool for controlling fungus gnats, shore flies, and foliar feeding pests found in ornamental crops grown in greenhouses, shade houses, and interiorscapes.
- Long residual activity (30-60 days) against fungus gnat larvae
- Excellent fungus gnat control
- Low use rates
- Little to no effect on beneficial insects and mites
Application rates: Adept may be applied as a sprench or drench.
- Fungus Gnats/Shore Flies: Initial knockdown will typically take between 3 and 5 days. After that period, a number of emerging adults may lay eggs, but any new soil infesting larvae will be controlled for 30 to 60 days. Use 2 oz./100 gallons. Apply as a coarse spray (sprench). Drench rate is 1 oz/200 gallons water, apply using label specific drench volumes, i.e. 6 fl oz./6 inch pot.
- Adept may be applied under Greenhouse benches and other non-crop areas. Mix 4 to 8 ozs. (4 to 8 bags) Adept in 100 gals of water and apply at rate of 10 – 30 gallons per 1000 sq.ft. of area
- Foliar Feeding Insects: Spray Rate: 4 – 8 oz./100 gallons.
Active ingredient: 25% Diflubenzuron
Product Label