Bengal UltraDust 2x Fire Ant Killer – 12 oz.
Bengals fire ant solution is directed toward dealing with the problem as it occurs and then very quickly, cost-effectively, and easily. Bengal UltraDust Fire Ant Killer is a dust that kills on contact. As fire ant mounds pop up in the yard, a light covering of Bengal is sprinkled on the mound. The killing action starts immediately as the ants come into contact with the dust. Over a period of hours, the dust is spread by the ants through the colony to the queen. Bengal UltraDust Fire Ant Killer requires no watering in and has no odor.
Other approaches to fire ants include spreading large bags of granules over your yard and applying baits or other treatments, that are generally slow to work. Preventive measures are generally only successful on a limited basis. Many other products require watering in to be effective. Generally speaking, other methods of treating fire ants provide a slower killing cycle, are cumbersome to apply, are more expensive and many require watering-in. Also, some other products have offensive odors.