Quicksilver T/O Herbicide – 8 Oz.
Quicksilver T&O Herbicide
Quicksilver Herbicide is a selective post-emergent, broad spectrum herbicide, effective in both cool and warm climates. Its flexibility in application temperatures helps make mature, perennial broadleaf weeds disappear in a hurry. Although tough on broadleaf weeds, it is gentle on a variety of grasses including Bermudagrass and St. Augustinegrass, even in newly seeded, sodded and sprigged areas. It will not impact birds or earthworms and is unlikely to harm honeybees, predators or parasites. It leaves minimal residue, so it won’t affect reseeding. Quicksilver can be added as a tank mix with any post-emergence herbicide.
Rate of use: Apply Quicksilver T&O at rates of 1.0 to 2.1 fluid ounces of product per acre (0.023 to 0.048 fluid ounces per 1000 square feet) for control of seedling winter and summer annual weeds. May be used for burndown and control of silvery thread moss occuring on gold course green and tees consisting of bentgrass. To control, apply Quicksilver T&O at a rate of 6.7 fluid ounces of product per acre (0.154 fluid ounces per 1000 square feet) followed by a second application in two weeks. For full directions on tank mix ratios, please see Product Label.
Active Ingredients: Carfentrazone-thyl – 21.3%
Product Label