Ortho WeedBGon RTU Crabgrass Killer – 24 fl oz.
Ortho WeedBGon RTU Crabgrass Killer
Overview & Benefits
- Kills weeds, not lawns!
- Rainproof in 1 hour
- See visible results in 24 hours
- Won’t harm lawns, guaranteed!
- Kills crabgrass and other weeds in your lawn
Weeds:Kills over 225 weeds, including: Barnyardgrass, Broadleaf Signalgrass, Bur Clover, Carpetweeds, Chickweeds, Creeping Charlie, Cudweed, Curly Dock, Dandelion, English Daisy, False Dandelion, Field Bindweed, Filaree, Florida Pusley, Heartleaf Drymary, Henbit, Junglerice, Kikuyugrass*, Large Crabgrass, Oxalis, Pennywort, Plantains, Purslane, Red Sorrel, Sheep Sorrel, Smooth Crabgrass, Giant Foxtail, Green Foxtail, Yellow Foxtail, Torpedograss*, Speedwell, Spurges, Spurweed, Thistles, Toadflax, White Clover, Wild Carrot, Wild Geranium, Wild Onion, and other broadleaf weeds. *Make 2 sequential applications at 14 to 21 day intervals to control.