Captan 50W Fungicide (Wettable Powder) – 5 Lbs.
Captan 50W is a wettable powder fungicide used for control of various plant fungal diseases.
Functions and Benefits
- Is used for the control of certain fungal diseases of fruit crops and as a soil treatment for the control of certain seed rots and damping-off diseases.
- Is a multi-site MOA (mode of action) that gives broad spectrum of activity to reduce resistance.
- Can be combined safely and effectively at recommended dosage rates with most commonly-used fungicides and insecticides.
- Alkaline materials such as spray lime, limesulfur, and Bordeaux mixture will reduce the fungicidal activity of this product.
- Do not apply Captan in combination with or immediately before or closely following oil sprays.
- New reduced REIs for many fruit crops of 24 hours. (See label for complete list of fruit crops.)
- No known resistance to Captan after 50 years of continuous use.
Rate of use: 2-9 Lbs./acre, depending on disease treated and crop applied to (see label for details).
Active ingredients:
49.25% Captan
0.75% Related derivatives
Product Label
0.75% Related derivatives
Do not apply to turfgrass in residential sites.
Product Label