Buckwheat Seed – 20 Lbs.
Buckwheat Seeds (Fagopyrum esculentum)
Summer annual which can be used as a green manure crop. An early maturing wheat suitable for almost any type soil. Seeds remain on stalk after ripening, providing food over extended period of time. Buckwheat has a short growing season, maturing in 10 to 12 weeks. It is quickly killed by frost. Buckwheat is a short-season cash crop with properties that can make it fit specific situations on your farm. While it is unlikely to be your main crop, it can be a worthwhile part of your overall farm plan.
- Fits into rotations at a time when fields might otherwise be idle.
- Can be grown as a catch crop where another crop failed.
- Inexpensive to grow because it requires no pesticides and little fertilizer.
- Can be grown with equipment available on most farms.
- Requires little attention during the growing season.
- Mellows the soil and suppresses some weeds.
- Easily raised Organically, at a premium price.